Our Services: Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of healing which is several thousand years old from Ancient China to 20th century United States of America where Acupuncture gained attention in the United States after U.S. President Richard Nixon visited China in 1972. Although many people have been skeptical about acupuncture, it has increasingly gained acceptance as more and more people have been treated and helped by it. The fact that acupuncture benefits many people who have not been helped by conventional medical methods is indicative of its potential usefulness in this country. What types of Conditions are Treated?
In addition, there is a large body of evidence suggesting that acupuncture can help patients with weight loss as well as nicotine addiction, drug abuse and alcoholism.
What are Acupuncture Points & Meridians? Qi circulates through the human body along certain pathways or channels, called meridians. Along these meridians, there are certain places, called acupoints, or simply points, which have been shown to have some influence on pain perception or bodily function when stimulated.